We are accepting NEW clients at this time and we look forward to welcoming you and your pet to our practice. To allow us to finalize making your appointment, we must necessarily secure that appointment with a Booking Fee of $75.00. This deposit will be applied towards the total charges for the visit and is refundable per hospital policy. To make this process as streamlined as possible, you may utilize the ( Make a Payment ) button that will be provided to you upon submission of this form or the one at the bottom of the webpage to remit that deposit. If the form is submitted without a corresponding deposit, the appointment request will remain pending until the deposit is received. Thank you for helping making the appointment booking process as streamlined as possible.
Thank you for your continued loyalty as clients of our practice. For all existing clients who have credit cards on file, we will be able to process your requested appointment without delay and secure your appointment booking. If you do not have a card on file with us we will ask to have one placed in your record to secure this booking. You may also secure the appointment with a Booking Fee of $75.00. This deposit will be applied towards the total charges for the visit and is refundable per hospital policy. To make this process as streamlined as possible, you may utilize the ( Make a Payment ) button that will be provided to you upon submission of this form or the one at the bottom of the webpage to remit that deposit. Thank you for helping making the appointment booking process as streamlined as possible.